Service Description
If you feel drawn to grow in your Reiki practice in a safe and supportive environment this is for you. During this Reiki share you will be able to give and receive a Reiki treatment, ask questions and also receive Reiju (an empowerment to boost your energy) by Susanne. It will be a lovely afternoon of practice and connection that will leave you feeling empowered and well. Only requirement: having been attuned to Reiki Level 1, 2 or Master/Teacher Level. Our upcoming Reiki shares: 11th May 2024 1pm- 4pm
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
DISCLAIMER Please note that we have a CANCELLATION POLICY: Although unavoidable at times, clients are asked to give as much notice as possible for cancelling any appointments with us. In the event of a cancellation the following fees may apply: More than 24 hours notice, no fee. Less than 24 hours incurs a 75% charge. No notice of the cancellation incurs the full fee
Contact Details
Suma Holistic Therapies, Balanced Bodies Holistic Centre, Moorfield, Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland
Rathangan, Co. Kildare, R51 PD30, Ireland